Summary of Topics b0710b_2_20060526_sum.htmlSubject 710B
Bulletin Dated: May 26, 2006
The following changes in requirements are being proposed:
1. For Preliminary Review Only: This proposed Second Edition of the Standard for Recirculating Systems, UL 710B, includes the following proposals: a) Addition of Construction, Performance, and Marking Requirements to Correlate With UL 197, the Standard for Commercial Electrical Cooking Appliances; b) Expanded Capture Tests Defining Existing Practices to Include Methods of Testing Specific Appliance Types Such as Fryers and Pressure Fryers, Ovens and Appliances Designed for Specific Food Products; c) During the Emission Tests, Appliances are Operated as Described in Capture Tests; d) Expanded Fire Extinguishment Tests to Define Existing Practices for Specific Appliance Types in Agreement With UL 300 Fire Testing Methods; e) Added Fire Damper Construction Requirements and Cycling Tests Agreeing With UL 555, the Standard for Fire Dampers; f) Addition of Glossary to Define Terms Used in the Standard; g) Renumbered and Relocated Paragraphs; and h) Addition of New Requirements for Markings, Air Filters, Construction of Hood Assemblies, and Limiting the Use of Casters to Appliances With Integral Recirculating Systems