ul-10005.1Product Category Rules for Three-Zone Multi-Temperature Transport Refrigeration Units
UL 10005
1.1 Goal and Scope
1.1 This PCR document specify rules, requirements, and guidelines for developing cradle]to]grave EPDs for multitemperature transport refrigeration units and the underlying requirements of related life cycle assessments(LCAs). In the context of this PCR, cradle]to]grave applies to the lifetime of the TRU during the expected firstuser ownership. This PCR is valid and provides requirements for Business]to]Business (B2B) EPDs.
This PCR is consistent with and conforms to the mandatory requirements contained in the following standards:
- AHRI Standard 1110.2013, Performance Rating of Mechanical Transport Refrigeration Units
- ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 147.2002, Reducing Release of Halogenated Refrigerants from Refrigeration and Air.Conditioning Equipment and Systems.
While not necessarily conforming to the CEN EN 15804 standard, it is referenced in Section 12 and has beenconsulted with regard to selected requirements and presentation details that go beyond or expand on theabove.noted ISO standards and AHRI standard.